Benvenuto nella nostra sezione dedicata ai marchi di profumi che iniziano con la lettera r. Qui troverai un elenco completo dei marchi più importanti e delle loro fragranze iconiche. Ogni marchio ha la sua storia e caratteristiche uniche che si riflettono nei loro profumi. In questa pagina vi offriamo un'analisi esaustiva di ciascuno di questi marchi, comprese le loro note olfattive, gli accordi principali e i profumieri dietro queste creazioni. Immergiti nel mondo dei profumi e scopri le migliori fragranze dei marchi che iniziano con r.
  1. R & G Supply Co.
  2. R de Coquine
  3. R fragrance アールフレグランス
  4. R&C - Russell and Ciara
  5. R+Co
  6. R. E. Pearce Ltd.
  7. R. H. Macy & Co.
  8. R. L. Linden & Co.
  9. R. Prudhomme
  10. R.H. Cosmetics Corp.
  11. RAAW Alchemy RAAW by Trice
  12. Rabasse
  13. Rabbasol Chemie
  14. Racco
  15. Rachel Elbaz
  16. Rachel Zoe
  17. Racine
  18. Racyne
  19. Radhe Shyam
  20. Radics Gigi
  21. Radley
  22. Radosław Majdan
  23. Radsky ラッドスカイ
  24. Raer Scents AER Scents
  25. Rafa Márquez
  26. Raffaella Curiel
  27. Rafin
  28. rag & bone
  29. Ragdoll
  30. Ragheb Alama
  31. Rahua
  32. Raihaan Oudh
  33. Rainbow
  34. Raincry
  35. Rainwater Botanicals
  36. Raïs
  37. Raison Pure
  38. Rajah Perfume
  39. Rajani
  40. Ralf's Mejia
  41. Rallet
  42. Ralon
  43. Ralph Lauren
  44. Ramakrishnananda
  45. Ramasat رمسات
  46. Ramey
  47. Rammstein
  48. Ramón Molvizar
  49. Ramón Monegal
  50. Ramp Tramp Tramp Stamp
  51. Rampage
  52. Ramsès
  53. Ramsey
  54. Ramsons
  55. Ramunė Piekautaitė
  56. Rancé 1795
  57. Randi's Beauty Secret by Randi Ingerman
  58. Randy Moss
  59. Ranger Station
  60. Rania J.
  61. Raoul Vigny
  62. Raphaël 4711
  63. Raphael Blechschmidt
  64. Raphael Jarré
  65. Raphael Paris
  66. Raphael Rosalee
  67. Raquel
  68. Rare Beauty
  69. Rare Device
  70. rareEssence
  71. Rasasi
  72. Rasayel Oud رسايل عود
  73. Rasei Fort.
  74. Rasoigoodfellas
  75. Rassvet Рассвет
  76. Raunsborg
  77. Rave
  78. Ravel
  79. Ravello Beverly Hills
  80. Ravenscourt Apothecary
  81. Raviseine
  82. Raw Spirit
  83. RaWayeh
  84. Rayanch
  85. Raydan
  86. Rayhaan
  87. Rayhan
  88. Raymond Dawn
  89. Raymond Lafon
  90. Raymond Matts
  91. Raymond Mortiz
  92. Rayon de Luxe
  93. Razan
  94. RazoRock
  95. Razza Fragrances رزّة
  96. RboW
  97. RBP (Real Beauty Product)
  98. RDZ Parfums
  99. Re Profumo
  100. Real Time
  101. Real Zaragoza
  102. Realm Erox
  103. Realtree
  104. Reassembly
  105. Rebecca Bonbon
  106. Rebecca Minkoff
  107. Rebel & Mercury
  108. Rebel Intuitive Perfumerie
  109. Rebellion by Alexander Gutbrod
  110. Récamier
  111. Reciprocitee
  112. ReClassified
  113. Recman
  114. Recreation
  115. Red & Gold
  116. Red Baron
  117. Red Carpet Attitude
  118. Red Deer Grove
  119. Red Flower Organic Perfume
  120. Red Logo
  121. Red or Dead
  122. Red Pearl
  123. Red Rubin
  124. Redbrook Parfums
  125. Redfern
  126. RedGreen
  127. Redolescent
  128. RedWood
  129. Redwood Alchemy
  130. Reebok
  131. Reed Krakoff
  132. Reef ريف
  133. Reehat Al Atoor
  134. REEK. Perfume
  135. Reem Acra
  136. Reeم Al Najem
  137. Refan
  138. Rega
  139. Regal
  140. Régalien
  141. Regatta
  142. Regency Cosmetics
  143. Reghen's
  144. Regia
  145. Regia Perfume Co.
  146. Régime des Fleurs
  147. Regina Harris
  148. Regina Schrecker
  149. Régine's
  150. Regnos レグノス
  151. Rehat Hali
  152. Reichalda
  153. Reichen Lehmkuhl
  154. Reign by Deb
  155. Reims
  156. Reine de Saba
  157. Reine Inc.
  158. Reinvēnted
  159. Reiss
  160. Rejuvia
  161. Relazzi
  162. Relevant
  163. Religion Clothing
  164. Reliquary Perfumes
  165. Rembrandt
  166. Remedia
  167. Remiller
  168. Remington
  169. Réminiscence
  170. Remus
  171. Rémy Latour
  172. Rémy Marquis
  173. REN
  174. Rena Perfumes
  175. Renaissance Fragrances
  176. Renato Balestra
  177. Renato Russo
  178. Renaud de Lustrac
  179. Renault
  180. Rendes
  181. Rene Di Or
  182. René Garraud
  183. René Inc.
  184. René Kern
  185. René Koch
  186. René Lezard
  187. René Magritte
  188. René New Orleans
  189. René Pascal
  190. René Rossier
  191. Renée
  192. Renee Farah
  193. Renée Fleming
  194. Renée Lacoste
  195. Renée Thornton
  196. Renépierre
  197. Renier Perfumes
  198. Rennes le Chateau
  199. Renoir
  200. Renoir Paris
  201. Renoma
  202. Reo Products
  203. Repetto
  204. Rephase
  205. Replay
  206. Réserve en Afrique
  207. Reserved
  208. retaW
  209. Retrouvailles
  210. Retterspitz
  211. Rety Montecarlo
  212. Reuzel
  213. Revacci
  214. RêvArôme
  215. Revelations Perfume & Cosmetics, Inc.
  216. Revenge
  217. Reverie
  218. Rêveur
  219. Revillon
  220. Revlon Charles Revson
  221. Revolution
  222. Revolve
  223. REWE
  224. Rewel
  225. Rex Supply Co.
  226. Rexall Drug Company
  227. Reyane Tradition
  228. Reynald Katz
  229. Reyza
  230. Reza Shari
  231. RE|BL
  232. Rhein Cosmetic
  233. Rheingau Parfüm
  234. Rhenza
  235. Rheyms
  236. Rhizome
  237. Rhôdel
  238. Rhodius Perfumes
  239. Rhonda Shear
  240. Riachi Diparfahw
  241. Riaz Dan
  242. Ricarda M.
  243. Ricardo Ramos - Perfumes de Autor
  244. Ricardo Sibelo
  245. Ricciardi
  246. Rich & Ruitz
  247. Rich Hippie
  248. Rich Mess Ryan Richmond
  249. Rich On Inc.
  250. Richard Cwiertnia
  251. Richard Dupont
  252. Richard Hudnut
  253. Richard James
  254. Richard Lüscher Britos
  255. Richard Maison de Parfum Christian Richard
  256. Richemont
  257. Richmond
  258. Richouli
  259. Rick Owens
  260. Ricksecker's Perfumes
  261. Ricky Sarkany
  262. Rico
  263. Ricol
  264. Riddle
  265. Riedel-de Haën
  266. Rieger
  267. Rifaat
  268. Rifat Ozbek
  269. Riflessi
  270. Rigaud
  271. Rihanah
  272. Rihanna
  273. Riiffs
  274. Rimini Protokoll
  275. Rimmel
  276. Rina Ketty
  277. Riny
  278. Ripped
  279. Rirana
  280. Rise & Shine
  281. Risingwave ライジングウェーブ
  282. Rita Terrell
  283. Ritchie
  284. Rito
  285. Ritornelle
  286. Ritual Apothecary
  287. Ritual Aromatics
  288. Rituals
  289. Ritz Paris
  290. Ritz Perfumes
  291. Riva
  292. Riva Fashion
  293. Riva Wien
  294. Rival
  295. Rival de Loop
  296. Rive Sud
  297. Rivea
  298. River Island
  299. Riviera Hemijska Industrija Kotor
  300. Rivoli
  301. Rivæ
  302. Riz Köln
  303. RL - Rayito de Luna
  304. RMK
  305. RMS Titanic
  306. RNC
  307. Roads
  308. Roan
  309. Robberto Antonio
  310. Robbie VanGogh
  311. Roberre
  312. Robert
  313. Robert Ashley
  314. Robert Beaulieu
  315. Robert d'Avray
  316. Robert Graham
  317. Robert Leurent
  318. Robert Piguet
  319. Robert Powell Johns
  320. Robert Talbott
  321. Roberta Andrade
  322. Roberta di Camerino
  323. Robertet
  324. Robertier
  325. Roberto Calesi
  326. Roberto Capucci
  327. Roberto Cavalli
  328. Roberto Geissini
  329. Roberto Giovani
  330. Roberto Greco
  331. Roberto Sarto
  332. Roberto Torretta
  333. Roberto Ugolini
  334. Roberto Verino
  335. Roberto Vizzari
  336. Roberts Windsor
  337. Robin McGraw
  338. Robinson Cosmetic
  339. Robj
  340. Roblé
  341. ROC
  342. Roca Perfums
  343. Roca Sana
  344. Rocawear
  345. Rocca
  346. Rocco Ragni
  347. Roccobarocco
  348. Rochas
  349. Roche
  350. Rochelle Boleyn
  351. Rock & Republic
  352. Rockford
  353. Rockies
  354. Rocksmith
  355. Rocky S
  356. Rodier
  357. Rodin Olio Lusso
  358. Rodolphe Deville
  359. Roeckl
  360. Roemy
  361. Roffler
  362. Roger & Gallet
  363. Roger Federer
  364. Roger Laurent
  365. Roger Lavalle
  366. Roger Leygonie
  367. Roger Muller
  368. Roger Thirion et Cie.
  369. Roger Vivier
  370. Rogue
  371. Rohit Bal
  372. Roi
  373. Roi Renè Parfums
  374. Roja Flore
  375. Roja Parfums
  376. Roland Garros
  377. Roland V.
  378. Rolex
  379. Romain Laurens
  380. Roméa d'Améor
  381. Romella
  382. Romeo Gigli
  383. Romeo y Julieta Perfumes
  384. Romero Britto
  385. Romey
  386. Romilly Wilde
  387. Ron Barceló
  388. Ron Dorff
  389. Ronaldo Esper
  390. Ronan Keating
  391. Ronat
  392. Ronda Labs.
  393. Ronni
  394. Rook Perfumes
  395. Room 1015
  396. Roos & Roos Dear Rose
  397. Roose Perfume
  398. Root & Muddle
  399. Root + Roam
  400. Roots
  401. Roots Rose Radish
  402. Rosa Chá
  403. Rosa Schaffer
  404. Rosadoor
  405. Rosaé
  406. Rosae Virtus
  407. Rosal
  408. Rosalar
  409. Rosaleda
  410. Rosario Flores
  411. Rosarium Blends
  412. Rosbera
  413. Rose & Amber
  414. Rose & Co Manchester
  415. Rose & Fontes
  416. Rose Chandal
  417. Rosé d'Or of Paris
  418. Rose Desgranges
  419. Rose en Bos
  420. Rose et Marius
  421. Rose Garden
  422. Rose Kazan
  423. Rose Mond
  424. Rose Rossa
  425. Rose Valois
  426. Rosebud Perfume Co.
  427. Rosella Fiora
  428. RoseMary
  429. Rosendo Mateu - Olfactive Expressions
  430. Rosense
  431. Roseoverdose
  432. Roses are Roses
  433. Roses de Malmaison ローズ ドゥ マルメゾン
  434. Roses for Autism
  435. Rossignol 1634
  436. Rosy & Earnest
  437. Rotana Perfumes
  438. Rote Rosen
  439. Rothenstein
  440. Rouge & Rye The Soiled Dove
  441. Rouge Bunny Rouge
  442. Rouget
  443. Rouh & Rihan روح و ريحان
  444. Roullier White
  445. Round A'Round
  446. Route 66
  447. Routine
  448. Roux St. James
  449. Rover
  450. Rover & Lakes
  451. Roveri & Aura
  452. Rowse
  453. Rowsie Vain
  454. Rowsky
  455. Roxana Illuminated Perfumes
  456. Roxey
  457. Roy Robson
  458. Royal Apothic
  459. Royal Barber
  460. Royal Bengal Ouds
  461. Royal Copenhagen
  462. Royal Cracow
  463. Royal Crown
  464. Royal Diwan Group
  465. Royal Doulton
  466. Royal Fragrances
  467. Royal Hawaiian Perfumes
  468. Royal Heritage
  469. Royal Luxury Perfumes
  470. Royal Mirage
  471. Royal Parfum
  472. Royal Party
  473. Royal Perfume Co., Inc.
  474. Royal Perfumers
  475. Royal Perfumes
  476. Royal Sanders
  477. Royal Shaving
  478. Royal Wood
  479. Royall Lyme of Bermuda
  480. Royalski
  481. Royalty by Maluma
  482. Rozaya
  483. RP
  484. RPI - Royaume du Parfum International
  485. RPL Maison
  486. Rubaza
  487. RubeN
  488. Rubeus
  489. Rubicon
  490. Rubini
  491. Rubino Cosmetics
  492. Ruby Brown
  493. Ruby Red
  494. Rubyat
  495. Ruddy Water
  496. Rudé Frères
  497. Rude Parfum
  498. Rüdell
  499. Rudi Gernreich
  500. Rudolph by Andrea Rudolph
  501. Rudolph Moshammer
  502. RudRoss
  503. Rudy Profumi
  504. Rue 37
  505. Rue Broca
  506. Rue Dee
  507. Rue Madam
  508. Rue Princesse
  509. rue21
  510. Ruehl No.925
  511. Rugby Club Toulonnais
  512. Rugged Legacy
  513. Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  514. RUIK
  515. Ruky
  516. Rule Fragrances
  517. Rum Knuckles
  518. Rumble59
  519. Rumbo Kosmetik
  520. Rumbo-Parfümerie
  521. Rumooz رموز
  522. Runa
  523. Rundholz Parfums
  524. RuPaul
  525. Rutan Parfums
  526. Ruth Mastenbrœk
  527. Ruthless
  528. Rütten & Loening
  529. Ruvén
  530. Ryam
  531. Ryf
  532. Rygren
  533. Ryoko
  534. Ryu ga Gotoku 龍が如く
  535. Ryziger Parfums