Benvenuto nella nostra sezione dedicata ai marchi di profumi che iniziano con la lettera r. Qui troverai un elenco completo dei marchi più importanti e delle loro fragranze iconiche. Ogni marchio ha la sua storia e caratteristiche uniche che si riflettono nei loro profumi. In questa pagina vi offriamo un'analisi esaustiva di ciascuno di questi marchi, comprese le loro note olfattive, gli accordi principali e i profumieri dietro queste creazioni. Immergiti nel mondo dei profumi e scopri le migliori fragranze dei marchi che iniziano con r.
- R & G Supply Co.
- R de Coquine
- R fragrance アールフレグランス
- R&C - Russell and Ciara
- R+Co
- R. E. Pearce Ltd.
- R. H. Macy & Co.
- R. L. Linden & Co.
- R. Prudhomme
- R.H. Cosmetics Corp.
- RAAW Alchemy RAAW by Trice
- Rabasse
- Rabbasol Chemie
- Racco
- Rachel Elbaz
- Rachel Zoe
- Racine
- Racyne
- Radhe Shyam
- Radics Gigi
- Radley
- Radosław Majdan
- Radsky ラッドスカイ
- Raer Scents AER Scents
- Rafa Márquez
- Raffaella Curiel
- Rafin
- rag & bone
- Ragdoll
- Ragheb Alama
- Rahua
- Raihaan Oudh
- Rainbow
- Raincry
- Rainwater Botanicals
- Raïs
- Raison Pure
- Rajah Perfume
- Rajani
- Ralf's Mejia
- Rallet
- Ralon
- Ralph Lauren
- Ramakrishnananda
- Ramasat رمسات
- Ramey
- Rammstein
- Ramón Molvizar
- Ramón Monegal
- Ramp Tramp Tramp Stamp
- Rampage
- Ramsès
- Ramsey
- Ramsons
- Ramunė Piekautaitė
- Rancé 1795
- Randi's Beauty Secret by Randi Ingerman
- Randy Moss
- Ranger Station
- Rania J.
- Raoul Vigny
- Raphaël 4711
- Raphael Blechschmidt
- Raphael Jarré
- Raphael Paris
- Raphael Rosalee
- Raquel
- Rare Beauty
- Rare Device
- rareEssence
- Rasasi
- Rasayel Oud رسايل عود
- Rasei Fort.
- Rasoigoodfellas
- Rassvet Рассвет
- Raunsborg
- Rave
- Ravel
- Ravello Beverly Hills
- Ravenscourt Apothecary
- Raviseine
- Raw Spirit
- RaWayeh
- Rayanch
- Raydan
- Rayhaan
- Rayhan
- Raymond Dawn
- Raymond Lafon
- Raymond Matts
- Raymond Mortiz
- Rayon de Luxe
- Razan
- RazoRock
- Razza Fragrances رزّة
- RboW
- RBP (Real Beauty Product)
- RDZ Parfums
- Re Profumo
- Real Time
- Real Zaragoza
- Realm Erox
- Realtree
- Reassembly
- Rebecca Bonbon
- Rebecca Minkoff
- Rebel & Mercury
- Rebel Intuitive Perfumerie
- Rebellion by Alexander Gutbrod
- Récamier
- Reciprocitee
- ReClassified
- Recman
- Recreation
- Red & Gold
- Red Baron
- Red Carpet Attitude
- Red Deer Grove
- Red Flower Organic Perfume
- Red Logo
- Red or Dead
- Red Pearl
- Red Rubin
- Redbrook Parfums
- Redfern
- RedGreen
- Redolescent
- RedWood
- Redwood Alchemy
- Reebok
- Reed Krakoff
- Reef ريف
- Reehat Al Atoor
- REEK. Perfume
- Reem Acra
- Reeم Al Najem
- Refan
- Rega
- Regal
- Régalien
- Regatta
- Regency Cosmetics
- Reghen's
- Regia
- Regia Perfume Co.
- Régime des Fleurs
- Regina Harris
- Regina Schrecker
- Régine's
- Regnos レグノス
- Rehat Hali
- Reichalda
- Reichen Lehmkuhl
- Reign by Deb
- Reims
- Reine de Saba
- Reine Inc.
- Reinvēnted
- Reiss
- Rejuvia
- Relazzi
- Relevant
- Religion Clothing
- Reliquary Perfumes
- Rembrandt
- Remedia
- Remiller
- Remington
- Réminiscence
- Remus
- Rémy Latour
- Rémy Marquis
- Rena Perfumes
- Renaissance Fragrances
- Renato Balestra
- Renato Russo
- Renaud de Lustrac
- Renault
- Rendes
- Rene Di Or
- René Garraud
- René Inc.
- René Kern
- René Koch
- René Lezard
- René Magritte
- René New Orleans
- René Pascal
- René Rossier
- Renée
- Renee Farah
- Renée Fleming
- Renée Lacoste
- Renée Thornton
- Renépierre
- Renier Perfumes
- Rennes le Chateau
- Renoir
- Renoir Paris
- Renoma
- Reo Products
- Repetto
- Rephase
- Replay
- Réserve en Afrique
- Reserved
- retaW
- Retrouvailles
- Retterspitz
- Rety Montecarlo
- Reuzel
- Revacci
- RêvArôme
- Revelations Perfume & Cosmetics, Inc.
- Revenge
- Reverie
- Rêveur
- Revillon
- Revlon Charles Revson
- Revolution
- Revolve
- Rewel
- Rex Supply Co.
- Rexall Drug Company
- Reyane Tradition
- Reynald Katz
- Reyza
- Reza Shari
- Rhein Cosmetic
- Rheingau Parfüm
- Rhenza
- Rheyms
- Rhizome
- Rhôdel
- Rhodius Perfumes
- Rhonda Shear
- Riachi Diparfahw
- Riaz Dan
- Ricarda M.
- Ricardo Ramos - Perfumes de Autor
- Ricardo Sibelo
- Ricciardi
- Rich & Ruitz
- Rich Hippie
- Rich Mess Ryan Richmond
- Rich On Inc.
- Richard Cwiertnia
- Richard Dupont
- Richard Hudnut
- Richard James
- Richard Lüscher Britos
- Richard Maison de Parfum Christian Richard
- Richemont
- Richmond
- Richouli
- Rick Owens
- Ricksecker's Perfumes
- Ricky Sarkany
- Rico
- Ricol
- Riddle
- Riedel-de Haën
- Rieger
- Rifaat
- Rifat Ozbek
- Riflessi
- Rigaud
- Rihanah
- Rihanna
- Riiffs
- Rimini Protokoll
- Rimmel
- Rina Ketty
- Riny
- Ripped
- Rirana
- Rise & Shine
- Risingwave ライジングウェーブ
- Rita Terrell
- Ritchie
- Rito
- Ritornelle
- Ritual Apothecary
- Ritual Aromatics
- Rituals
- Ritz Paris
- Ritz Perfumes
- Riva
- Riva Fashion
- Riva Wien
- Rival
- Rival de Loop
- Rive Sud
- Rivea
- River Island
- Riviera Hemijska Industrija Kotor
- Rivoli
- Rivæ
- Riz Köln
- RL - Rayito de Luna
- RMS Titanic
- Roads
- Roan
- Robberto Antonio
- Robbie VanGogh
- Roberre
- Robert
- Robert Ashley
- Robert Beaulieu
- Robert d'Avray
- Robert Graham
- Robert Leurent
- Robert Piguet
- Robert Powell Johns
- Robert Talbott
- Roberta Andrade
- Roberta di Camerino
- Robertet
- Robertier
- Roberto Calesi
- Roberto Capucci
- Roberto Cavalli
- Roberto Geissini
- Roberto Giovani
- Roberto Greco
- Roberto Sarto
- Roberto Torretta
- Roberto Ugolini
- Roberto Verino
- Roberto Vizzari
- Roberts Windsor
- Robin McGraw
- Robinson Cosmetic
- Robj
- Roblé
- Roca Perfums
- Roca Sana
- Rocawear
- Rocca
- Rocco Ragni
- Roccobarocco
- Rochas
- Roche
- Rochelle Boleyn
- Rock & Republic
- Rockford
- Rockies
- Rocksmith
- Rocky S
- Rodier
- Rodin Olio Lusso
- Rodolphe Deville
- Roeckl
- Roemy
- Roffler
- Roger & Gallet
- Roger Federer
- Roger Laurent
- Roger Lavalle
- Roger Leygonie
- Roger Muller
- Roger Thirion et Cie.
- Roger Vivier
- Rogue
- Rohit Bal
- Roi
- Roi Renè Parfums
- Roja Flore
- Roja Parfums
- Roland Garros
- Roland V.
- Rolex
- Romain Laurens
- Roméa d'Améor
- Romella
- Romeo Gigli
- Romeo y Julieta Perfumes
- Romero Britto
- Romey
- Romilly Wilde
- Ron Barceló
- Ron Dorff
- Ronaldo Esper
- Ronan Keating
- Ronat
- Ronda Labs.
- Ronni
- Rook Perfumes
- Room 1015
- Roos & Roos Dear Rose
- Roose Perfume
- Root & Muddle
- Root + Roam
- Roots
- Roots Rose Radish
- Rosa Chá
- Rosa Schaffer
- Rosadoor
- Rosaé
- Rosae Virtus
- Rosal
- Rosalar
- Rosaleda
- Rosario Flores
- Rosarium Blends
- Rosbera
- Rose & Amber
- Rose & Co Manchester
- Rose & Fontes
- Rose Chandal
- Rosé d'Or of Paris
- Rose Desgranges
- Rose en Bos
- Rose et Marius
- Rose Garden
- Rose Kazan
- Rose Mond
- Rose Rossa
- Rose Valois
- Rosebud Perfume Co.
- Rosella Fiora
- RoseMary
- Rosendo Mateu - Olfactive Expressions
- Rosense
- Roseoverdose
- Roses are Roses
- Roses de Malmaison ローズ ドゥ マルメゾン
- Roses for Autism
- Rossignol 1634
- Rosy & Earnest
- Rotana Perfumes
- Rote Rosen
- Rothenstein
- Rouge & Rye The Soiled Dove
- Rouge Bunny Rouge
- Rouget
- Rouh & Rihan روح و ريحان
- Roullier White
- Round A'Round
- Route 66
- Routine
- Roux St. James
- Rover
- Rover & Lakes
- Roveri & Aura
- Rowse
- Rowsie Vain
- Rowsky
- Roxana Illuminated Perfumes
- Roxey
- Roy Robson
- Royal Apothic
- Royal Barber
- Royal Bengal Ouds
- Royal Copenhagen
- Royal Cracow
- Royal Crown
- Royal Diwan Group
- Royal Doulton
- Royal Fragrances
- Royal Hawaiian Perfumes
- Royal Heritage
- Royal Luxury Perfumes
- Royal Mirage
- Royal Parfum
- Royal Party
- Royal Perfume Co., Inc.
- Royal Perfumers
- Royal Perfumes
- Royal Sanders
- Royal Shaving
- Royal Wood
- Royall Lyme of Bermuda
- Royalski
- Royalty by Maluma
- Rozaya
- RP
- RPI - Royaume du Parfum International
- RPL Maison
- Rubaza
- RubeN
- Rubeus
- Rubicon
- Rubini
- Rubino Cosmetics
- Ruby Brown
- Ruby Red
- Rubyat
- Ruddy Water
- Rudé Frères
- Rude Parfum
- Rüdell
- Rudi Gernreich
- Rudolph by Andrea Rudolph
- Rudolph Moshammer
- RudRoss
- Rudy Profumi
- Rue 37
- Rue Broca
- Rue Dee
- Rue Madam
- Rue Princesse
- rue21
- Ruehl No.925
- Rugby Club Toulonnais
- Rugged Legacy
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Ruky
- Rule Fragrances
- Rum Knuckles
- Rumble59
- Rumbo Kosmetik
- Rumbo-Parfümerie
- Rumooz رموز
- Runa
- Rundholz Parfums
- RuPaul
- Rutan Parfums
- Ruth Mastenbrœk
- Ruthless
- Rütten & Loening
- Ruvén
- Ryam
- Ryf
- Rygren
- Ryoko
- Ryu ga Gotoku 龍が如く
- Ryziger Parfums